The Top in Greenhouse Gas Emissions and How to Counter Them


The Environmental Bureau of Hong Kong reported the Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sector of the Special Administrative Region. In the said report, it shows the greenhouse gas emissions from the year 1990 to the year 2019. The total emissions for 1990 is 35,800 and the total emissions for 2019 is 40,100. This increased by 4,300 compared to 29 years before. However, the highest total emissions were seen in the year 2014 with a total of 44,600. Out of the total, the majority amounting to 31,200 are from electricity generation and other energy industries. Next comes from Transportation with a number of 7,290.

In comparison with the most recent data in 2019, electricity generation and other energy industries and transportation still tops the list of where the greenhouse gas emissions in Hong Kong are coming from.

With this, the government, private institutions, communities, and individuals have committed themselves to lower their carbon footprint and the greenhouse gas emissions they are creating. In addition, there have been more initiatives to create environmentally friendly schools. These initiatives have opened opportunities in educating the youth with regards to the importance of the environment. Furthermore, students can identify small steps in lowering the greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation and transportation. Here are some ways to do so.

  1. Minimize usage of electricity

When there are appliances that are not in use, it is best to remove them from the plug. In the case that there are appliances open and no one is using them, it is best to just turn it off in order to save electricity.

  1. Use public transportation

Cars have been known to emit gas emissions. With this, people should opt to use public transportation to minimize the greenhouse emissions emitted from vehicles.

  1. Opt for a bicycle

Bicycles do not emit greenhouse gases yet they are very efficient in taking people to different places. With this, it is better to just use a bicycle when travelling within the city. In addition, it can also be a workout routine that will give the cyclist a better and healthier body.
